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Ivan R. Judson

27 Posts


This post is a retrospective on a project I was privileged to participate in during Microsofts Makefest in 2013. The team I joined decided to build a Moodcloud. What is a Moodcloud? Good question! The idea was to build a physical representation of the state of the twitterverse and to
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Building Alljoyn-js

The AllSeen Alliance's AllJoyn protocol is designed to enable the "everything" in the Internet of Everything to find and talk with one another. We've been working with AllJoyn for a couple of reasons: Microsoft is a member of the AllSeen Alliance We have Startups in the Microsoft Ventures
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IoT2014 Recap

This week I've been in Cambridge, MA to talk about Microsoft's IoT solutions: Intelligent Systems Services, Project Reykjavik, and Nitrogen. It was an excellent conference, wrapping up Wednesday with a demo event where everyone had a chance to show off their interesting projects and tools. Thursday I spent at the
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Blogging at 30k': IoT 2014

I'm headed to the IoT 2014 conference where I'll be talking about Microsoft's portfolio of IoT solutions and demonstrating Nitrogen. The brief version of what I'm presenting is that Microsoft has been in the IoT space since before it was popular -- we have created and deployed technology that runs
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Nitrogen HelloWorld

In my last blog post about Nitrogen, I showed how to get started developing with nitrogen with very little effort. To enable that blog post, I wrote a vagrant configuration that allows you to bring up a virtual machine running the Nitrogen Service and Admin web application. In this post,
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